wah rain like bloddy bloddy hell!
hahaha. had fun in it urh. mayb only me.. LOL!
i was thinking of running/walking in the rain.
but was thinking : I look stupid like that. LOL.
today in school.
wake up. go class. talk. haha.
assembly .
sing anthem. say pledge.
go back class.
Copy down corrections. omg . i havent do GEO ! LOL!
thn maths.
blah blah blah.
then. Mr LEE is not here.
forget wht teacher take us.
thn recess. went to find jingwen (:
saw yiruu ~ lol .
thn go with yuliany to buy water . =P
thn talk with kooi lam :D
thn eh . partner with ling xiu urh.
thn assembly. thn . wah .
watch a video on how singapore will be like iN2015.
soooo high tech siah.
coooool sehh!
:D like those anime ones. pity us humans no power. LOL!
thinking too far ahead x.x
ehh. thn is mr sum ?
relief us for PC.
mr lee KO never come.
hockey bah.
thn we do crossword puzzle.
so hard siah! had to search until headache eh!
ahh well.
thn mr chiang lesson : CME
thn ... MR WONG. CS lesson.
go lab.
do one 'cooool' experiment.
and focus test for chemistry. omgosh! i passed! thought i failed ehhH!!!
heng heng!
now, left physics.. omgosh.
haha. thn . after chem.
rain rain rain.
like bloooody bloooody hell!
so i shared umbrella with jiaxin,
yiru with lingxiu,
mutiarah with nardirah.
so. wah.. cold seh. haha.
th umbrella turn ouside.
omg! thn we run run run ! X=
haha. fun seh! bt thn shoe all these very wet T____T
thn jiu go jurongpoint search socks for lingxiu.
she need for her CCA.
thn we go makan at library.
ate toooo much D:
thn go home.
thn now i here posting.
lol. end of today. byebye.
o_____o !
Labels: bloooody, haha, rain